Tuesday, 1 May 2007

An Edwardian Childhood

Have you ever wondered why someone in your congregation is so 'down' on children making a noise in church? Jean was reading some autobiographical notes recently from days gone by, and while there are some wonderful memories there of church and Sunday School, one was not like that at all. The writer was terrified into silence and stillness on Sundays, and couldn't wait to escape from it.

Now if that happens to you, you can react in one of two ways if you ever go to church again. You can celebrate your escape, and be the chief plotter in helping new youngsters have a good time. Or you can resent enormously the fact that others are being allowed to get away with what you never could.

Of course it's more complicated than that, but it might be interesting, if you want to move forward with children's provision in your church, to get the older members talking about what it was like when they were young...

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